I. Content and Access to the Website
A. Content of the Website
This Website of Ceva Santé Animale Group (hereinafter the Website) has been created to provide Users with information about the company, its organization, research, products, human resources policy, locations, communication. This webWebsite cannot under any circumstances constitute a contractual offer.
Any natural or legal person, connecting, browsing or using the Website (hereinafter the User), acknowledges having read these Terms of Use (hereinafter “Terms of Use” or “Terms”) at the time of its connection to the Website and accepts them without reserve. The fact that the User does not have to click to accept the Terms of Use does not constitute an obstacle to their opposability.
Since the communication to the public regarding veterinary medicinal products is the subject of specific regulations, the information that the User finds on the Website must not be used to give a medical opinion or to replace a consultation with a professional health.
Similarly, this information can not be interpreted as a recommendation on the use of products without the advice of a veterinarian.
Ceva undertakes to verify that the content of the Website complies with the legal provisions in force. Ceva also undertakes not to disseminate data in violation of the rights of third parties, violent, pornographic or defamatory and not to disseminate illegal content, including racist, xenophobic, pedophile or otherwise detrimental to human dignity .
Ceva endeavors to update the content of the Website and to provide the User with accurate information. Nevertheless Ceva can not be held responsible for any errors and / or omissions. The User may notify any error or omission to the following e-mail address: contact@ceva.com
The User remains responsible for the use of the Website including its previous use if he gives up using the Website.
Ceva reserves the right to modify, terminate, suspend or discontinue without notice all or part of the services or content of the Website.
The Website may contain hypertext links to other Websites not managed and / or edited by Ceva. Ceva does not control in any way the information, products or services offered by these other Websites and can in no way be held responsible for the content of such Websites. The use of these Websites by the User is the sole responsibility of the latter.
B. Access to the Website
The consultation of the Website is accessible to any User having an internet access.
Ceva strives to keep the Website accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without being held to any obligation of result in this respect.
For maintenance, updating, and for any other reason including technical, access to the Website may be interrupted.
In no event will Ceva be held responsible for these interruptions in services and the consequences that may result for the User.
Furthermore, Ceva can not be held responsible for the presence of viruses on the Website and any consequences that may result for the User
C. Use of the Website
The User is authorized to:
– view all or part of the Website,
– complete the information relating to the User Account (hereinafter defined).
The User is not authorized to:
– copy, distribute (including copies), modify or falsify in any way all or part of the elements of this Website- eliminate, from any item copied or printed from this Website, any mention of copyright author, trademark or other intellectual property clause contained in the original element.
If the User wishes to create a hypertext or other link to the Website, he sends an email to the following email address: contact@ceva.com, stating:
– the URL (s) of the page (s) from which the User wishes to propose a link to the Website,
– the URL (s) of the page (s) of the Website to which the User wishes to propose a link.
Ceva undertakes to study the User’s request but is not obliged to do so.
Any fraudulent use of the Website or its content and any violation of these Terms may result in the application of criminal and civil penalties provided by law.
II. Creation and Use of User Account
In the event that the Website allows the opening of a User Account, the User agrees to comply with the rules for the creation and use of the User Account defined below.
A. User Account Creation
The User has the obligation to submit the registration form proposed by Ceva and to provide the required data concerning him. The user must also define an identifier and a password (hereinafter the “Connection Codes”) which will allow him to access his User Account.
Failing to fill in the mandatory information required, the creation of the User Account will be refused.
Any User may register only once on the Website.
The User certifies that the information he provides is accurate, complete and undertakes to do what is necessary to ensure that it remains so. In particular, the User undertakes to provide only sincere and real information.
In the event that the information provided is false, incomplete or out of date, Ceva reserves the right to suspend or close the User account, temporarily or permanently.
The processing of personal data provided by the User in connection with the creation and use of the User account to the data controller of Ceva is subject to the provisions of the Privacy Policy of Ceva detailed on the Website.
The User agrees not to disclose his Login Codes to any third party in any form or in any way whatsoever and to inform Ceva of any use or suspicion of use of said Codes by an unauthorized third party. The User is solely responsible for the confidential storage of his Connection Codes and any use he may make of them.
B. Use of User Account Services
The User undertakes to respect the conditions specific to the Services offered on the Website.
In particular, as part of the Services offered, the submission to the User Account of a photo, a creation or a testimony (hereinafter the “Content”), grants Ceva and its affiliates a right not exclusive and globally transferable, irrevocable and perpetual, for free use as described, the Content on the media of his choice.
Ceva undertakes to mention the copyright in the event of exploitation or reproduction of the User’s Content.
C. Closing the User Account
The User may at any time proceed to the deletion of his account by logging into his User Account. Closing the Account automatically and immediately causes the end of access to the files attached to it.
In case of non compliance with these Terms, Ceva reserves the right to refuse access to the Services and to close the User Account.
III. Intellectual Property Rights
The Website is owned and operated by Ceva. The presentation of the Website and each of the elements, including trademarks, logos and domain names, appearing on the Website or the component, are protected by the laws in force on the intellectual property, and (i) are held by Ceva or by its subsidiaries or affiliated companies, or (ii) are held by third parties and are subject to a license for use and exploitation granted to Ceva by their owners.
Nothing contained on the Website or the Component may be reproduced, used, modified, assembled, decompiled, assigned, licensed, transferred, copied, translated, sold, published, exploited or otherwise disseminated in any medium whether, partially or completely, without the prior written consent of Ceva. Only the copy for private use is authorized for personal use, private and non-commercial, on the personal computer of the User or via the sharing tools offered on the Website.
Any use formally authorized by Ceva of the content contained in or contained in the Website must be done without any denaturing, modification or alteration in any way whatsoever
Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the User and all persons responsible to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by French law.
Ceva or its subsidiaries reserve the right to pursue any act of infringement of its intellectual property rights.
IV. Liability of the User
All the hardware and software necessary to access and use the Website is the responsibility of the User who is responsible for the proper functioning of its equipment and its Internet access.
The User is required to take all the necessary preventive measures for the protection of his data, software and / or computer systems to guard against the contamination of possible viruses.
The use of the content made available through the Website is the responsibility of the User. The facts or acts that the User would have to perform in consideration of this information can not engage any other responsibility than that of the User. The access to the contents made available on the Website is the responsibility of the User and Ceva could not be held responsible for the damage or the loss of data which could result from the downloading or the use of the contents diffused on the Website .
The User is solely responsible to Ceva and, where applicable, to any third party, for any damages, direct or indirect, of any nature whatsoever, caused by any content, whatever its nature, communicated, transmitted or disseminated by the User, through the Website, as well as for any violation of these Terms, and the privacy policy.